Can I stop taking blood pressure medication?

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Some people take blood pressure medication prescribed by the doctor. And feel headaches, nausea, and want to stop taking the medication themselves. Can they stop taking it themselves?

According to research from the Heart & Stroke Foundation. It is not recommended that patients stop taking the medication on their own. They should see their doctor and inform them of the symptoms.

Because stopping medication on your own may cause the treatment to be ineffective or in some cases may cause blood pressure to rise even higher, you should see a doctor to consider treatment.

For those who have a problem forgetting to take their medicine, today ufabet has some good techniques to share with you.

  • Take your medication at the same time every day.
  • Set an alarm
  • Find a pill box and put your pills in it according to the day to prevent forgetting.
  • Put the medicine in a visible place, such as in the kitchen.
  • Make a note on the calendar
  • Medication record

Try starting with a pill box at home. Fill it with pills each day and refill it every week to see if you have taken your pills that day. Ideally, keep the pill box on the kitchen table so it is easy to see and check before and after meals.