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Monthly Archives: February 2024

3 reasons “forbidden” to pluck gray hair

3 reasons “forbidden” to pluck gray hair. What will happen! If you suddenly see the white hair stand out Can’t wait to pull it away But many people may have to weigh up because they have heard rumors claiming that plucking 1 gray hair will double in size. But that’s

Miracle happen when we wake up in the morning

It’s human nature to take things for granted, like expecting to wake up every morning as the day before.  We don’t even give it a second thought.  We just come to expect that everyday we’ll wake up and have our bodies work, without being conscious

Shiitake mushrooms, good stuff, help control cholesterol

Shiitake mushrooms are mushrooms that we often find in our daily diet, including soups and stir-fried vegetables.  And do you know that In addition to being delicious Shiitake mushrooms also have many benefits. According to the nutrition facts, 100 grams of shiitake mushroom provide only 33 Kcal of